
I’m a security researcher and PhD student at UC Berkeley, where I working on making security work better for the people that use technology. I’m focusing on mobile devices, wearable computing, the “Internet of Things”, privacy and anonymity, secure development, and everything in between.

I did my B.S. in Computer Science at the University of Minnesota, where I worked on anonymity, privacy, anti-censorship, and routing.

This site is a collection of my thoughts and experiments, with a focus on longer-form, longer-lasting content. Dates are secondary. Hopefully something here helps you.

Other places I live on the Internet

  • My academic page.
  • Some of my code is available on GitHub.
  • My GPG details are at (keybase.io/cthompson)[https://keybase.io/cthompson], and my key fingerprint is 7BDD BA06 3806 E1BC C8BB D969 72E7 34FC 5980 BDDC.
  • Tumblr, mostly for pictures of goats.